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D-LUX+ is a high performance dual-wavelength Cordless LED Curing Light.
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C$1,299.00 C$1,099.00
Bone Carrier
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C$69.00 C$59.00
In stock
C$69.00 C$55.00

Disposable Dental Suction with Bite Blocks-20pc in a box

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C$49.99 C$39.99

Bone Packer: Essential tool for bone grafting and easay bone packing & condensing

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C$79.00 C$59.00
High quality NIOSH Approved N95 masks for Medical/Dental professionals

N95-Particulate Filter(95% filter efficiency level); Effective against particulate aerosols free of oil

Anti- particulate matter filtering technology and antibacterial environmental protection fabric, effectively filtering and protecting from PM2.5 air particulate matter and bacteria.
In stock
C$85.00 C$44.99
This Dental Explorer is wire-like type. The explorer provides the tactile information to the clinician's fingers and is used to locate calculus deposits,...
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C$29.99 C$19.99

Complete obturation system that consists of both Duo-Gun and Duo-Pen. The Duo-Charger conveniently charges both devices at once.

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C$2,599.00 C$2,249.00
Disposable Plastic Cover for Veinlite LED Plus
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C$45.99 C$39.99

 cordless backfill obturation device for Endo

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C$1,499.00 C$1,299.00
Commonly used to make the liquid form of the PRF and the fabrication of 'Sticky bone'
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C$79.99 C$69.99

Cordless warm vertical compaction device for Endo

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C$1,299.00 C$1,099.00